
MNOGI ŽIVOTI MAČKE NA USUANOM LIMENOM KROVU Маска na usijanom limenom krovu nije samo prica о disfunkcionalnom društvu južnjačkih država SAD, već je i složena studija 0 izolovanosti, о društvenim slojevima i polnim odnosima, i to u kontekstu represivnog patrijarhata pedesetih godina. Nastala je u vreme kad su veličane dobre stare društvene vrednosti. Za godine posle Drugog svetskog rata karakteristična je promena žensko-muških odnosa. To je i doba predfeminističkih 1 predhomoseksualnih prava i vreme kada se rađala ideja о alternativnom načinu života. Što se tiče društvenih normi, ne postoji nijedna druga, prava alternativa tradicionalnom porodičnom idealu. Godine 1955. je u SAD samo 34 odsto žena starih između 20 i 54 godina bilo zaposleno. Većina udatih žena je finansijski zavisila od muža ili осз. Smatralo se da žena treba da bude domaćica i da želi i ima decu. Nerotkinje su u očima tog društva bile nesavršena bića. Pored seksualnosti, Vilijams se u drami bavi i propadanjem američkog juga, mračnom istorijom američkog robovlasništva i užasima nasilja i rasizma koje u pedesetim godinama još opterećuju ondašnje društvo. Mesto dešavanja Mačke je plantaža pamuka posle Drugog svetskog rata. To je vreme velikih ekonomskih promena poljoprivrednog Juga, koji mora da se uhvati u koštac sa industrijalizacijom i rastom gradova. Vilijams je dramu napisao u godini kada se pojavio pokret za Ijudska prava, a bio je potaknut i odlukom vrhovnog suda, donetom godinu dana ranije, kojom se ukida segregacija u američkim školama. Majstorski napisana drama о ljudskoj pohlepi, očaju, samoći i neostvarenim strastima i danas važi za jedan od najboljih tekstova američke i svetske dramaturgije. Kristina Sever

MANY LIVES OF THE CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is more than just a story about the dysfunctional society of the Southern states of the US; it is also a study of isolation, social strata and sexual relations within the context of the repressive patriarchate of the 19505. it was written at the time of glorification of good old social values. The years following World War II are characteristic of a change in female-male relations. This was also the time of pre-feminist and pre-homosexual rights and the time when the idea of an alternative way of life was about to be born. As for the social norms, there is no other, true alternative for the traditional family ideal. In 1955 only 34 per cent of women aged 20 - 54 in the USA had a job. Most married women were financially dependent on their husbands or fathers. It was believed that the woman should be a housewife, want and have children. In the eyes of that society barren women were imperfect beings. In addition to sexuality Williams addresses in his play the gradual collapse of the American South, the dark history of American slavery and horrors of violence and racism still plaguing the society in the Fifties. The action takes place on a cotton plantation after World War'll. This was the time of major economic changes of the agricultural South which had to grapple with the industrialization and growth of cities. Williams wrote his play the same year that the human rights movement was born, encouraged, among other things, by the previous year's ruling of the Supreme Court abolishing segregation in American schools. This masterly written play about human greed, despair, loneliness and unrealised passions is still one of the best American and world plays Kristina Sever