
TENESI VILIJAMS (Tennessee Williams) (1911-1983) Od 1945. do 1960. doživeo je čak petnaest izvođenja drame Маска по usijanom limenom krovu, na Brodveju. Njegovi komadi su igrani daleko vise od komada njegovih savremenika (Miler, Inge, Olbi i drugi). U tom razdoblju je ekranizovano čak sedam njegovih drama i jedna pripovetka, što je rekord koji nije dostigao nijedan autor posleratnog perioda. Маска na usijanom limenom krovu je, kako je to često slučaj s Vilijamsovim hitovima, pisana prema prici Tri igraca jedne letnje igre, koja je objavljena u magazinu New Yorker, a kasnije i u zbirci Hard Candy. Za tekst Macke je 1955. primio svoju drugu po redu Pulicerovu nagradu i trecu nagradu njujorških kriticara. Ovaj komad imao je izuzetan uspeh. Premijera je održana 24. marta 1955. u teatru Morosco na Brodveju. Igrana je 649 puta. Producent i reditelj svetske premijere bio je Elaja Kazan, koji je zatražio da Vilijams preradi poslednji ein. Kako je želeo da Kazan režira, a i da bi predstava bila što uspešnija, pisaeje pristao na izmene. To je razlog Sto postoje dva veoma različita kraja drame. Tenesi Vilijams i Elaja Kazan su mnogo godina saradivali. Kazan je režirao prve brodvejske produkeije cetiri Tenesijeva komada: Tramvaj nazvan želja, Kamino Real, Маска na usijanom limenom krovu i Slatka ptica mladosti. Film Маска na usijanom limenom krovu u režiji Ricarda Bruksa snimljen je 1958. Glavne uloge su igrali Elizabet Tejlor, Pol Njumen i Brl Ajvaz, Film je bio veoma uspešan i doneo je producentima skoro deset miliona dolara, a Tejlorova i Njumen su nominovani za nagradu Oskar.

TENNESSEE WILLIAMS (1911-1983) saw as many as fifteen productions of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, on Broadway Between 1954 and 1960. His plays were staged much more frequently than the plays of his contemporaries (Miller, Inge, Albee and others). Seven of his plays and one story were adapted for film which is a record unbeaten by any postwar author. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof was, as is often the case with Williams, based on his story Three Players of a Summer Came published first in New Yorker and then in the collection of his stories Hard Candy. Cat won him his second Pulitzer Prize in 1955 and the third award of New York critics. The play had tremendous success. It premiered in the Broadway Morosco Theatre on 24 March 1955 and ran 649 times. The producer and director of the world premier was Elia Kazan who asked Williams to rewrite the last act. As the author wanted Kazan to be the director and to make the production more successful, he agreed to change it. That is why there are two different endings. Tennessee Williams and Elia Kazan cooperated for many years. Kazan directed the first Broadway productions of four plays by Williams: The Streetcar Named Desire, Camino Real, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and the Sweet Bird of Youth. The film Cat on a Hot Tin Roof directed by Richard Brooks was made in 1958 with Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman and Burl Ives. The film was a success and earned almost ten million dollars and Taylor and Newman were nominated for Oscars