
IVICA BULJAN režira od 1995. Zaokupljaju ga dramatičaripjesnici Marina Cvetajeva, Рјег Paoio Pazolini, Hajner Miler, Robert Valzer, Elfride Jelinek, Miroslav Krleža, Boto Štraus, Dubravka Ugrešić... Bernar-Mari Koltes u središtu je njegovog autorskog zanimanja. Režirao je Noć tik pred šumama, Povratak и pustinju, Borba сгпаса i posa, Dan umorstava и priči о Hamletu, Marš, Pijani procès i Salindžer. Caraža и produkciji ZKM-a premijerno mu je izvedena u teatru La Mama. Predstave su mu gostovale па važnim međunarodnim festivalima. Režirao je и Sloveniji, Letoniji, Francuskoj, Belgiji, Rusiji, Crnoj Gorl, Obali Slonovače, Italiji i Hrvatskoj. Bio je direkter Drame Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Splitu od 1998-2002. Suosnivač je Mini teatra и Ljubljani i Festivala svjetskoga kazališta u Zagrebu. Predavač je na Akademijama u Renu i Sent-Etjenu u Francuskoj. Dobitnik je Borštnikovih nagrada za najbolje predstave u Sloveniji, Sterijine nagrade, Vjesnikove nagrade „Dubravko Dujšin", nagrade „Вгапко Gavela", nagrade Festivala malih scena u Rijeci za najbolju predstavu, nagrade „Petar Brečić" za kazališnu esejistiku...

IVICA BULJAN has been a theatre director since 1995. He is interested in dramatists-poets Marina Cvetaeva, Pierre Paolo Pasolini, Heiner Müller, Robert Walser, Elfriede Jelinek, Miroslav Krleža, Botho Strauss, Dubravka Ugrešić... He is primarily interested in work of Bernard-Marie Koltès. He has directed The Night at the Edge of Forests, Back to the Desert, Black Battle the Dog, The Day of Murders in the History of Hamlet, The March, Drunken Process and Ballinger Garage, produced atZKM has had its premiere at theatre La Mama. His performances have been invited to prominent international festivals. He has directed in Slovenia, Lithuania, France, Belgium, Russia, Montenegro, Ivory Coast, Italy and Croatia. In the period between 1998 - 2002, he was the director of The Croatian National Drama Theatre in Split. He is the co-founder of the Mini-Theatre in Ljubljana and of World Theatre Festival in Zagreb. He is a professor at academies in Rennes and Saint-Etienneu in France. He has recived Borstnik Diploma for the best performances in Slovenia, Sterija Award, Vjesnik awards Dubravko Dujsin, awards Branko Gavella, award at Small Scenes Theatre festival in Rijeka for the best performance, Petar Brećic award for theatre essays