
RKA „Jožef Nađ", Kanjiža i Kiosk, Beograd Kanjiža - Beograd, Srbija


Koncept i režija:

Jožef Nađ

19. septembar, 20:00 20. September, 16:00 i 20:00 Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaeiju Trajanje: 80'

RKA „Jozef Nadj", Kanjiza i Kiosk, Belgrade Kanjiza - Belgrade, Serbia


Concept and direction:

Josef Nadj

September 19 th , 20:00 September 20 th , 16:00 and 20:00 Center for Cultural Decontamination Duration: 80'

U kocki dimenzija 5x5 metra, dogada se koreografsko, estetsko i filozofsko istraživanje prostora intimnosti. Igrači Jožef Nađ i An-Sofi Lanselen bave se istraživanjem sopstvene intimnosti - odnosa intimnosti i spektakla, odnosom publike prema intimnosti, prostorima i izvorima intimnosti. ü monohromnom rukopisu, pod svetlošću sveća autor je osmistio minucioznu mrežu pokreta, koja dramatično naglašava odnose između dva igraca. ü istraživanju tela u kontekstu ideje i prostora, polemišući da li je pozorišni ein spektakl ili intimnost, Jožef Nađ je inspiraeiju za svoje delo pronašao и čuvenoj Direrovoj trilogiji: Melanholija, Sveti Jeronim i Vitez, smrt i äavo, kao i u pesmama Pola Celana. Performans Bez naziva, jedinstven je projekat u opusu Jožefa Nađa. Premijerno izveden и okviru Praškog kvadrijenala, to je prvi projekat u kom je Nađ, kao kompletan autor, imao zadatu temu i strogo utvrđen prostor izvođenja. „Zbog ograničenja prostora ova коска nam je pružila vise moguenosti od bilo kog platoa. ünutarzadate forme koncept je došao do izražaja i mikroritmicka konstrukcija pokreta, igra je postale koncentrisana i intenzivna." Jožef Nad

Choreographie, aesthetic and philosophical research into the space of intimacy takes place in a 5x5 metre cube. The dancers, Josef Nadj and Anne-Sophie Lancelin, deal with exploring their own intimacy - the relationship between intimacy and spectacle, the relation of the audience to intimacy, spaces and sources of it. In a monochromatic manuscript, illuminated by candlelight, the author conceived a minute net of movements that dramatically emphasizes the relations between the two dancers, in exploring the body in the context of the idea and space, discussing whether the theatre act is spectacle or intimacy. Josef Nadj found inspiration for his work in the famed Durer trilogy: Melencolia, Saint Jerome, and the Knight, Death and the Devil, as well as Paul Celan's poems The Untitled performance, premerely shown at Prague Quadrennial, is a unique project in Josef Nadj's opus. This is the first project where Nadj, as an author, had a set topic and a strictly determined performance space. "Due to spatial constraints, this cube afforded us more possibilities than any plateau. Within the predetermined form the concept and the micro-rhythmic construction of movements were emphasized, the dance became concentrated and intensive." Josef Nadj