
Kojim sredstvima mi možemo zahvatiti to sećanja? J. N.: To zapravo nije umetnički procès, to je drugačiji procès, ali na njegovom putu, u procesu dosezanja tog sećanja postoji i estetska faza koja se bavi formom. U osnovi, tu nije гес о umetnosti već о nekom nadilaženju umetničkog procesa. To je procès približavanja nečemu što se ne da imenovati. Čini mi se da je to bavljenje prelaženjem zapravo propitivanje problema smrti? J. N.: Smrt su zadnja vrata koja ćemo otvoriti. Šta ima iza? То je zadnja kadenca пеке naše velike životne kompozicije. Pitanje je, zapravo, da li se možemo sećati budućnosti. Da li postoji krug kretanja u kome se sećanje prošlosti pretapa u sećanje na budućnost? Za mene nema stajanja, stvar je samo u prelaženju. Šta je za vas ravnico? J. N.: Za mene je ravnica prirodni element, kao što je za ribu voda. Ovde se osećam budnim, ovde shvatam stvari. Još me vezuju ugovori za Pariz i obaveze igranja predstave, ali od 2011. godine ću sve više vremena provoditi u Kanjiži i паргаviću plan mojih istraživanja prirode. Interesuje me ono što je око nas, približavam se prirodnim elementima ove ravnice. Sa gavranima sam već u dobrim odnosima, sad ću se baviti modrovranama... Sada počinje za mene jedan sistematski rad i istraživanje i razumevanje konkretnih prirodnih elemenata. Do sad sam и svojim šetnjama okolinom Kanjiže fotografisao napuštene salaše, stare humke, a sada ću se baviti fotografijama ptica. Mirko Sebić Magazin Nova misao, Вгој 2, Novi Sad, Oktober 2009.

Using what means can we affect the memories? J. N.: It is not really an artistic process, it is a different process, but on its way, in the process of reaching that memory, there is the aesthetic stage that deals with the form. Basically, it is not about art but about surpassing the artistic process. It is a process of approaching something that cannot be named. It seems to me that this dealing with transition is actually tackling the problem of death? J. N.: Death is the last door we will open. What's behind it? That is the last cadenza of a major life composition of ours. The question is actually whether we can remember the future. Is there a circle of movement in which the memory of the past turns into the memory of the future. For me there is no standing still, transition is all that matters. What is the plain for you? J. N For me, the plain is a natural element, like water is for fish. Неге I feel awake, here I see things. I am still under some contracts in Paris and I have roles in some plays. But as of 2011 I will be spending more time in Kanjiza and i will plan my exploration of nature. I'm interested in what is around us, I want to get closer to the natural elements of this plain. With the ravens I have a good relationship already and I am moving on to the blue crows... As of now I am beginning systematic work, studying and understanding of specific natural elements. Up to now, while walking in the surroundings of Kanjiza I have been taking photos of abandoned farms, old burial mounds; from now on I am going to take photos of birds. Mirko Sebić Magazine Nova misao, No. 2, Novi Sad, October 2009