Chinese Journal of Physiology


Comparison of the maximal effects of small doses of ephetonin and pseudoephedrine upon the nasal volume and blood pressure of dogs

Increases in nasal volume Increases in blood pressure

Bee Order of - - _ Poe” ma eCuLOns Maximal After 3 | Ephetonin | Ps-ephed. | Maximal After 3 | Ephetonin | Ps-ephed.

effect min. Ps-ephed. | Ephetonin effect mun. Ps-ephed. | Ephetonin:

mm mm Hq mm Hq 26 (a) 1.18 0,85 38


0.2 Dog 3, 13 kg

1, Ps-ephedrine 2. Ephetonin

3. Ps-ephedrine 0.2 Dog 3, 8.9 kg ; : 1. Ps-ephedrine 9 6 2.00 0,50 15 2, Ephetonin 18 11 16 3. Ps-ephedrine 3 0 14, 0,2 Dog 2, 9.4 kg 1, Ephetonin 12 8 (b) 1,20 0.83 16 2, Ps-ephedrine 10 8 6 3. Ephetonin 17 g 10 0,23 Dog &, 13.2 kg 1. Ephetonin 50 38 3.33 0,30 16 2, Ps-ephedrine 15 3 8 3. Ephetonin 52 A] 26

2.4 0.42

Non oaAbM Ta

1,07 0,94


2.67 0.38


2.00 0,50 1, 3,25

ana =

Av. (a) 1.59 0.68 1.74 0.68 Av. (b) 2,27 0,57 2.34. 0,44.


*The number of mm is taken from the measurement of the distance between the original level and tangent of the curve which represented the change of nasal volume,


T. KING anp C. PAK