Chinese Journal of Physiology



Effect of denaturation and coagulation on acid-binding power of serum globulin 20 ce 0,8 per cent serum globulin solution+ graded amounts of N/10 HCl or

N/1O NaQH. ee Before heating After heating No. N/10 HCl | N/10 HCl pH of pH or | pH of or N/20 NaCl} solution | difference N/10 NaOH | solution |N/10 NaOH | added or from added | added suspension| control | cc ce ce 1 1,2 HCl 3,0 0.7 NaOH 2.1 412 0.19 2 0.9 | 0.4 Dali 4.14 0.21 3* 0.6 0,1 3.3 4.10 0.17 4* 0.4 | | 0.1 HCI 3.5 4.06 0.13 5* 0,2 0.3 3.5 3.99 0,06 6* 0.0 5.2 | 0.5 3.5 3.83 —0.10 (he 0.2 NaOH | 0.7 3.1 4.02 0.09 8 0.4 | 0.9 Ny | 4,18 0,20 9 0.6 } all 2.3 | 4.17 0.24 10 0.9 14 17 4.24 0.31 I1 | 1.5 10.5 | 2.0 0.5 442 0.49 Unheated | | control | | | 0.8 | 3.5 3.93 | |

*Solutions show turbidity or precipitate after heating.


Change in pH °o =


1.0 0.0

Ge fh HC1 added<—v-—+ Co

1.0 2.0

fi NaOH added

Fig. 8. Change in acid-binding power of serum globulin on denaturation

and coagulation.