Chinese Journal of Physiology

62 H, C. CHANG anp T. P. FENG:

series of normal animals, comparison with the mean normal rate shows no acceleration, but on the contrary a higher percentage of retarded rates. Acceleration Mean normal rate Retardation VIII. Normal feeding 0. 72, (18) 28 (5) +thyroid 0.2—1.3 gm

The mean rate for this series of normally fed animals receiving thyroid was 27 days, which is actually one day longer than the mean for normal animals without thyroid (26 days).


Days for full growth

02 0.6 Thyroid fed in gm

Fig. 2. Graph showing the influence of thyroid dosage on the rate of full hair growth in albino rats on a partial diet. Dotted line gives mean rate of hair growth in partially fed animals without thyroid; the arrows indicate the rangex 32.



Days for full growth

nN = '

0.2 06 1.0 Thyroid fed in gm pad

Fig. 8. Graph showing the influence of thyroid dosage on the rate of full hair growth in albino rats ona normal diet. Dotted line gives the mean rate of hair grovth in normally fed animals without thyroid; the arrows indicate the range 43H,