Chinese Journal of Physiology

90 C. PAK anp B. E, READ

differing methods of administration. Pseudoephedrine is clearly less toxic than ephetonin and much less toxic than ephedrine, except in the hamster. s

TABLE 8 The M.L.D. of pseudoephedrine in white rabbits by subcutaneous injection Es eon

Dose per kg of body Number of rabbits Number of rabbits weight used died


320 i 0 350 2 0 500 7 1 525 2 0 540 3 2 550 3 3 570 2 2 690 1 if 700 1 1

October 1928, Temperature 22° to 25°C, TABLE 9,

The comparative M.L-D. of ephedrine, ephetonin and pseudoephedrine in different animals by different methods of administration

METER invne Ratio of M.L.D. in ale = per cent Animals Methods of : ; ; : ia : H + . a a e

administration Be | 2a Ss o| ¥o| os 33 °

aa | &8 | 8a8]/ 88 | as | gag a |e" (ae | a | a8 | ae Frogs into: lymph sac 540 630 770 100 86 70 Hamster | intra-peritoneal 350 810 310 100 116 116 Rats subcutaneous 320 350 680 100 91 47 Gray rabbits subcutaneous 230 360 400 100 64 56 Gray rabbits intravenous 80 90 100 100 89 80 White rabbits |intravenous 50 70 130 100 70 38 Dog intravenous 70 100 130 100 70 54



There are no new observations to report for the animals used by

Amatsu and Kubota (1) and Chen (4). In the hamster the three isomers show marked differences.


drine is most convulsant in its effects, ephetonin less so and with pseudoephedrine one often saw only aslight tremor of the body. In other

respects they are similar in effect.