Chinese Literature, 01. 01. 1955., str. 34
while, he would light his hookah pipe and smoke. Alternating between the wine and the pipe, he would while away a pleasant hour. Today, however, he had just sat down with his cup and had barely dipped into it, when Glib Lips came hurrying over from her wine and grocery shop. Although only a few years his junior, she addressed him respectfully as “Grandfather.”
- “Please come to my place, Grandfather. I have to tell you something!” “What is it? Can’t we talk here?”
Glib Lips’ red mottled drinker’s nose twitched as though taken by a chill. It was obvious from her reaction that she would only convey her information in private. The Elder followed her into her shop. It was still early in the morning and no customers had yet arrived.
When the Elder returned to his stall, he was pale and his beard was trembling. He slumped down on a stool and sat dully for a long time. Then he seized the cup of wine, raised it to his lips and drained it half empty. Fiery heat at once seared his forehead and his eyes. So the little slut won’t do it, he thought. And why? All because she’s involved with that young Hsiao-chang!
“Elder, you’ve spilled your wine!” called a passer-by.
The cup had overturned on the counter, and a rivulet of wine was beginning to soak into a packet of fireworks. The Elder opened his mouth to shout for the wine shop waiter to remove the cup, when a jaunty young man, chest high, went striding by. It was Hsiao-chane. The youngster glanced at him coldly and continued on his way. Yang the Elder glared after him, practically piercing Hsiao-chaneg’s back with his eyes. Then, turning around again, whom should he see but Chunmei. A book under her arm, she was strolling along with deputy mayor Wang Kai, chatting and smiling. They drew nearer; they walked past. It was as though they didn’t even know a Yang the Elder existed.
He sat up straight. ‘“Chun-mei!” he shouted. She looked back. “Come here!’ he ordered, then walked straight to the wine and erocery shop. Inside the shop door, he peered behind. Chun-mei wasn’t following him at all. He had been planning to take her into the back room and give her a good talking-to. But she wasn’t coming. His eyes bulged. He sat down heavily. A customer at the table invited him to have a
drink. The Elder didn’t even hear him. Breathing hard, he called to-
a little boy:
“Go fetch Chun-mei for me!”
Glib Lips put down her wine pot and advanced two steps on her crane-like legs. “Aiya, an elder shouldn’t be upset by a mere girl. Calm yourself. Vl go get her for you.”
From the steps of the shop next door, a voice sang out, “You needn’t bother. I'll be over in a minute,”