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ENGIESKA 1. The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore (Sunce neće vise nikad sijati Walker bros. 2. Somebody help me (Neka mi neko pomogne) Spencer Davis group 3. Elusive butterfly (Lukavi leptiir) Bob Lind 4. Dedicated follower of fashion (Pomodarac) Kings 5. Hold tight (Zagrli čvrsto) Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich 6. Elusive butterfly (Lukavi leptir) Val Doonican ITALIJA 1. Michelle, (Mišel) Beatles 2. Nessuno mi puo giudicare (Niko mi ne može suditi) Caterina Caselli 3. 11 ragazzo della via Gluck (Dečak iz ulice Gluk) Adriano Celentano 4. Resta (Ostani) Equipe 84 5. Nessuno mi puo giudicare Gene Pitney 6. Lei (Ona) Adamo Ferial SAD 1. Soul and inspiration (Duša i nadahnuće) Rigteous bros. 2. Daydream (San na javi) Lovin’ Spoonful 3. 19th nervous breadkdown (19-ti nervni slom) Rolling Stones 4. Bang, bang Cher 5. The ballad of the green berets (Balada o zelenim beretkama) S/Sgt Barry Sadler 6. Nowhere man (Covek niotkuda) Beatles FRANCUSKA 1. Le jouet extraordinaire (Neobična igračka) Claude Francois 2. Le folklore americain (Američki folklor) Sheila 3. C’est ton nom (To je tvoje ime) Mireille Mathieu 4. Michelle Beatles 5. Potemkine Jean Ferrat 6. Et s’in n’en reste qu’un (I ako ostane samo jedan) Eddy Mitchell