Egyptian religious poetry


Har-ded-ef. ‘“‘ The viper of Horus is established.” A sage and magician greatly venerated.

Har-em-heb. ‘* Horus in festival.”” The last king of the xviiith dynasty, a successful general who seized the throne, and married the heiress, after the extinction of the Tell el Amarna kings.

Hat-shepsut. “‘ Chief of Noble Women.” The great queen of the xviiith dynasty. She built the magnificent temple at Deir el Bahri.

Heliopolis (Eg. Ynu or Yun). Called On in the Bible. The sacred city of the Sun-god.

Hen-en-ni-sut (Gr. Herakleopolis; mod. Ehnasiyeh). “ The Childhood of the King.” One of the places where human sacrifice was practised.

Herakleopolis. See Hen-en-ni-sut.

Heri-hor. The first priest-king of the xxist dynasty.

Hermonthis (mod. Armant). Sacred city of Mentu, the God of War.

Horizon. The dwelling-place of the Sun-god from which he emerged at sunrise and entered again at sunset.

Horizon-dwellers. Sometimes identified with the dead, usually regarded as glorious and shining entities. Possibly the prototypes of angels.

House of Flame. A chapel in the temple.

Lem-hotep. “Come in peace,” or “ Welcome.” The name of a great sage and magician who was deified.

Ipt-isut. “‘ Enclosed of places.’’ Name of the great temple of Karnak.

Ka. Anintegral part of the personality of gods and men. It survived death in human beings, and the funerary offerings of food and drink were always for the Ka of