History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, str. 334




19% 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Mm SOP wb

. Wife of danghter’s son or of step-daughter’s son, or of any direct lineal descendant of a daughter or stepdaughter. Mother of daughter’s husband.

Mother of son’s wife.

Mother of wife’s paternal grandfather.

Mother of wife’s paternal grandmother.

Mother of wife’s maternal grandfather.

Mother of wife’s maternal grandmother.

Wife’s paternal grandmother.

Wife’s maternal grandmother.

Wife’s mother or step-mother.

Wife’s father’s sister.

Wife’s mother’s sister.

Father’s brother’s wife.

Mother’s brother’s wife.

Brother’s son’s wife.

Sister’s son’s wife.

A woman shall not marry her

. Paternal grandfather's father. . Paternal grandmother’s father.

. Maternal grandfather’s father.

. Maternal grandmother's father. Paternal grandfather.

. Paternal grandmother's husband. Maternal grandfather.

. Maternal grandmother’s husband.

. Father or step-father.

Father’s brother or step-brother.

. Mother's brother or step-brother. . Brother or step-brother.

. Brother's son or step-brother’s son, or any direct lineal

descendant of a brother or step-brother.

Sister’s son or step-sister’s son, or any direct lineal de-

scendant of a sister or step-sister.

. Son or step-son, or any direct lineal descendant of either.