History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes
Urvatatmara, ii. 155 Ushain, ii. 169 Ushidarena, ii. 152 Ushtavatgas, i. 144 Usman Chalebi, ii. 10 Uthamna, i. 199 Uziran, ii. 169
V VAHISTA, ii, 192
Vairyo, ii, 157
Vajalpur, i. 40
Vajir-i-Dini, i. 178
Vakils, i. 300
Valerian, Emperor, i. 9 Vanheush, i. 157
Vankaner, ii. 35
Varacanda, ii. 253
Variav, i. 35, 36; tragedy at, 49 Varshtamansar, ii. 157, 160 Vashti, ii. 162
Vastarem, ii. 158
Vastrio Fshuyants, ii. 162
Vata, i. 141
Vazerkard-i-Dini, ii, 177, 179, 232 Vazi-i-Adarbad Marespand, ii. 178 Vaz-i-Maligan-i-Avesta, ii. 178 Vedas, the, ii. 156, 157, 167, 216 Veheshtoyasht-gas, i. 144 Vendidad, the, i. 38, 60, 100, 194, 204;
li. 151, 156, 164 ; description of, 166; 169; oldest copy of, 172; 232, 236, 240
Vendidad Sade, ii. 164, 165, 166
Vesava, 1. 42
Victoria Gardens, the, ii. 143
Victoria Mills, ii. 136
Victoria, Queen, i. 109 note, 188 ; ii. 90, 91; see Queen-Empress, H.M. the
Videvadada, ii. 158, 164
Vikaji Merji, ii. 124, 125, 129, 130
Vikajis, the, ii. 124
Viraf-Nama, ii. 158
Vishtasp, ii, 164
Vishtaspsasto, ii. 157, 162
Vishtasp-Yasht, i. 217
Vishtasp-Yasht pavan Nirang, ii. 178
Visparad, the, i, 39, 217; ii. 164, 165, 166 ; account of, 168; 169 ; 237
Vizrael, Sefior, ii. 11 Vohukhshatar-gas, i. 144 Vohumano, ii. 186, 188, 190 Vultures, i. 196, 200
WADDINGTON, General, i. 290, 292
Wadia, the family, ii. 60
Wadia Hormasji Bamanji, Mr., i. 224 note
Wadia Jamshedji Bamanji, Mr., i. 224 note
Waite, Sir Nicholas, ii. 11 and note
Waldegrave, the, ii. 87
Wales, H.R. H. the Prince of, i. 209, 261 note ; his marriage, 283 ; his illness, 283-284 ; 286, 287 ; his visit to India, 287 ; welcomed by a Parsi on landing in India, 287-288 ; ii. 71 note, 143
Wales, H.R.H. the Princess of, i. 325,
_ 326
Walton, Mr. Rienzi, ii. 73
Walwad, ii. 24
Wanias, i. 36 note
Weir, Dr. T. S., i. 95, 329
Wellesley, the, ii. 70
West, Dr., i. 197, 238 note; ii. 176, 179 and note, 180, 181, 182, 197 note
Westergaard, Professor, i. 60; ii. 173, 180
White Huns, i. 25 note
Wickaras, ii. 102
Wilford, quoted, i. 25 note
William, the, ii. 77
Williams, Mr. Monier, i. 207-208 Villiam Tell of Persia, i. 4
Willock, Sir. H., i. 324 note
Wilson, Rev. Dr., i. 43 note, 60; ii. 291, 293, 294
Wilson, his Ariana Antiqua, i. 25 note
Windischmann, Dr., ii. 149
Wodehouse, Sir Philip, i. 102 note; ii. 145
Woolner, Mr., ii. 143
Wordsworth junior, Mr. J., ii. 15 note
Wordsworth senior, Mr, J., ii, 13, 15 note