Indian dancing


Above, Kathakali: Left, Star. Both hands in ‘kataka’, describing the twinkling of the stars. | The ‘rasa is ‘adbhuta’, or wonderment. Right, Fire. Two ‘hamsapaksa hands. The ‘rasa is \ ‘raudra’, or fury, the pose conveying the impression of 4 steadily mounting fire. Below, Bharata ' Natyam: Left, Star. Both hands are in ‘kataka-mukha’, again giving the impres sion of a twinkling ° star. The ‘rasa is ‘adbhuta, or wonderment. Right, Fire. The left hand in langula’ , the right in ‘tripataka’, conveying ‘the idea of a fire being lighted. The ‘rasa’ is ‘raudra’, or fury.

