Initiation and initiative : an exploration of the life and ideas of Dimitrije Mitrinović


5. Maurice Nicoll, a Harley Street consultant and contemporary of Orage, was allocated to dish-washing for the first three months of his stay at the Chateau and was forbidden to read any books. Gurdjieff maintained that the growth of the individual required the development of all the centres within a person. Hence the rationale for directing intellectuals to manual labour. Residents were also expected to do tasks they disliked without objecting to them, so that they might learn to operate without their efficiency being impaired by emotions. See B. Pogson, Maurice Nicoll, A Portrait, London: Vincent Stuart, 1961, pp. 80-1.

6. Personal recollections of Valerie Cooper in archives of New Atlantis Foundation.

7. Personal communication to author from member of New Atlantis Foundation.

8. H. & R. Ansbacher, eds., The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, London: Allen and Unwin, 1958, p. 134.

9. Ibid., p. 135.

10. A. Adler, “The meaning of life,” The Lancet, January 31, 1931, p. 6.

11. Quoted in V. MacDermot, The Social Vision of Alfred Adler, Ditchling: New Atlantis Foundation, 1981, p. 14.

12. D. Mitrinovic, “Marx and Nietzsche as the historic background of Adler,” Purpose, vol. I, No. 4, Oct.-Dec. 1929, p. 157.

13. Ibid., pp. 9-10.

14. Ibid., p. 12.

15. See Phyllis Bottome, Alfred Adler, London: Faber and Faber, 1939, p. 288.

16. Author of The Science of Social Organisation, Madras: Theosophical Society, 1910.

17. Quoted in Bottome, op. cit., pp. 288-9.

18. Ibid., p. 290.

19. Idem.

20. Watson Thomson, Turning into Tomorrow, New York: Philosophical Library, 1966, p. 7.

21. Letter to Mitrinovi¢ from W. T. Symons, Sept. 14th, 1926. (New Atlantis Foundation archives).

22. M. Reckitt, As Jt Happened, London: J. M. Dent, 1941, p. 190.

23. Minutes of Chandos Group meeting, October 12, 1926 (New Atlantis Foundation archives).

24. V. A. Demant et al, Coal: A Challenge to the National Conscience, London: Hogarth Press, 1927, p. 26.

25. Ibid., p. 24.

26. Ibid., p. 11.

27. Ibid., pp. 8-9.

28. Ibid., p. 10.

29. Archives of New Atlantis Foundation.

30. Archives of New Atlantis Foundation.

31. Archives of New Atlantis Foundation.