Initiation and initiative : an exploration of the life and ideas of Dimitrije Mitrinović


66. Purdom, op. cit., p. 156.

67. New Britain Weekly, vol. 2, no. 47, April 11, 1934, p. 652.

68. Davies, op. cit., p. 135.

69. New Britain Weekly, vol. 2, no. 47, April 11, 1934, p. 652.

70. Idem.

71. Tbid., vol. 2, no. 47, April 11, 1934, p. 655.

72. Idem.

73. New Britain Weekly, vol. 2, no. 47, April 11, 1934, p. 656.

74. Ibid., vol. 2, no. 48, April 18, 1934, p. 672.

75. Davies, op. cit., p. 135.

76. New Britain Weekly, vol. 3, no. 59, July 4, 1934, p. 177.

77. Letter from Southend group, July 27, 1934. New Britain files in New Atlantis Foundation archives.

78. Letter from G. A. Judson to Southend group, July 19, 1934. New Britain files in New Atlantis Foundation archives.

79. Letter from G. A. Judson to ‘central group,’ July 19, 1934. New Britain files in New Atlantis Foundation archives.

80. New Britain files, New Atlantis Foundation archives.

81. Davies, op. cit., p. 136.

82. In February 1935 a new weekly was started, The Eleventh Hour, which continued in publication until July 1935, but by then New Britain as a movement had just about finished.

83. New Britain, vol. 1, no. 1, (new series), Autumn 1934.

84. Report in The Trade Unionist, September 1936.

85. Document (n.d.) in House of Industry League files, New Atlantis Foundation archives.

86. Peacock, op. cit., p. 87.

87. Ibid., pp. 87-88.

88. Ibid., p. 85.

Chapter 7

Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, London: Heinemann, n.d., p. 175. Alan Watts, In My Own Way, London: Jonathan Cape, 1972, p. 110. Personal communication with author. . Peacock, op. cit., pp. 88-9. Watts, op. cit., p. 123. . Thomson, op. cit., p. 9. . Unpublished manuscript, archives of New Atlantis Foundation. . Davies, op. cit., pp. 141-2. . Ibid., pp. 142-3. 10. Telegram to commemorative meeting, January 29, 1953. A telegram from Eddie Gray to the same meeting described Mitrinovic as “kind and always had a smile for everyone.”