Initiation and initiative : an exploration of the life and ideas of Dimitrije Mitrinović


as the Father is to the Son... Man was to declare himself the equal Son of God, and to enter upon the responsibilities as well as privileges of one of the Persons of the Trinity.27

It was Jesus Christ who was both Man and God. As the universal or archetypal man, he was the self-consciousness of the three-fold God, the second Person of the Trinity, of which the first Person, God the Father, was the world unconscious.

Drawing upon the work of Solovyov, Mitrinovié interpreted the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, as Sophia, the establishment of the ‘Kingdom of God’ on earth, the creation of Universal Humanity. The Holy Spirit would be incarnated as the organic ordering of the world in which races, nations and groupings of all kinds would be functionally related to one another.

The final revelation of the Eternal in the human kingdom, however, will not be the incarnation of the Universal Man in Christ Jesus but of Universal Humanity itself in the organised and harmonious life of the world . . . It is approaching swiftly, providentially and inevitably; for God Himself became Man in the Logos Incarnate in order that Man himself might transcend and break his individualist, egoist Ego and explode into cosmic Socialism, into the ecstatic life of divinohuman consciousness . . . The absolute Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Triunity, proceeds, as Western Christendom has understood, from both the Logos and the Eternal Unconscious. The concrete, ultimate, individualised third Hypostasis of God, the personified God or Humanity is, also, and entirely, a collaborator, a cooperator with the Infinite Unconscious. For humanity itself is the Eternal Son of God, the Incarnated Son, the individualised Son. Thus the freedom of humanity becomes incommensurable. The scope of human action and guidance becomes broadened into the abysmal and the boundless. . . .28

According to Mitrinovic, therefore,

The problem confronting mankind today is the mystery of the third Testament, of the incarnation of the third Hypostasis itself on earth. And this Third Hypostasis or Holy Spirit is Universal Humanity itself. It is the incarnation of Sophia herself, of the Sophia of Man that is the mystery of the earth today. In the problem of the organic wholeness of the world all the problems of classes, races, sexes, even of individuals, are included . . . the problem of the world is one, and because it is one the solution of every sectional problem has its consequences for every other section and for the universal whole .. . every organ of the world has its specific function, irreplaceable and essential to the whole. . . . . 2)