Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia


authorized by the unrestricted application of international law to grant reparation, nor to refrain from presenting their claims directly to the British Government through diplomatic channels.

31. My Government is advised that vessels and cargoes brought in for examination prior to prize proceedings are released only upon condition that costs and expenses incurred in the course of such unwarranted procedure, such as pilotage, wharfage, demurrage, harbour dues, warehouseage, unlading costs, etc., be paid by the claimants or on condition that they sign a waiver of right to bring subsequent claims against the British Government for these exactions. My Government is loth to believe that such ungenerous treatment will continue to be accorded American citizens by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, but in order that the position of the United States Government may be clearly understood, I take this opportunity to inform you that my Government denies that the charges incident to such detentions are rightfully imposed upon innocent trade, or that any waiver of indemnity exacted from American citizens under such conditions of duress can preclude them from obtaining redress through diplomatic channels, or by whatever other means may be open to them.

32. Before closing this note, in which frequent reference is made to contraband traffic and contraband articles, it is necessary, in order to avoid possible misconstruction, that it should be clearly understood by His Majesty’s Government that there is no intention in this discussion to commit the Government of the United States to a policy of waiving any objection which it may entertain as to the propriety and right of the British Government toTinclude in their list of contraband of war certain articles which have been so included. The United States Government reserves the right to make this matter the subject of a communication to His Majesty’s Government on a later day.

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