Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia

A TABLE OF EVENTS. 215 er ee Southern Front. frica and Asia. | Naval Operations. | 1914.

pees ne or

5 Nov. Allies take the inner 61, forts of Tsing-tau.

Surrender of Kiao- Zilli chau. De Wet’s success at Doornberg. British force lands in Mesopotamia.

South African rebels SE, beaten at Sandfontein. H.M.S. Sydney de-| 9 stroys the Emden. Austrians reach Val- | Japanese enter Tsing- | H.M.S. Chatham dis- | 10,

jevo. tau. ables the Aonzgsberg in the Rufiji River. De Wet’s force de- TR,

feated near Winburg. Fighting in

Mesopotamia. 2 13 3 South African rebels T4ii, beaten at Bultfon| tein. | Skirmish with the T5i; Turks at Sahain (Mesopotamia). : 16, Battle outside Basra; 170000

Turkish defeat. Germans evacuate Longido (E. Africa). Engagement in the TS, Black Sea; Goeben


di 9, Russians in Asiatic 20187,, Turkey approach

Erzerum. Germans

invade Uganda. Skirmish near the| 270 Suez Canal. British troops enter 220,

23 3

Basra. |