Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia


014. | Western Front. Eastern Front. Nov. 24. Russians reinforced. Their line near Lodz restored.

25. Fighting at Strykov.

20, Remains of the German force escape the Russian enveloping move.

33 27 | Russians begin to evacuate Lodz.

So 23,

3 29. {

5; 30.

Dec. 1.

»» 2. | French success at Vermelles.

» 3

» 4

is Lodz finally evacuated by the Russians.

LO. Germans enter Lodz.

i Second battle for Warsaw begins.

wl 8 Indecisive battle near Cracow.

no 9

ss 10.

» IL .

ol 12 Austrians seize the Dukla Pass. Russians forced to retreat from Cracow.

» 13.

yy 14. | British attack on Maedelsteed and

Petit Bois. }

wv 15. Sortie by the garrison of Przemysl. » 10.
