Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia

A TABLE OF EVENTS. 217 Southern Front. | Africa and Asia. | Naval Operations. | 1914. 24 Nov. 25 | 26, 27 4 28, 29 30 Austrian advance into | Capture of De Wet. 1 Dec. Serbia renewed. 2 » Serbians attack Aus- 3; trians. Battle of the Ridges (Rudnik and Maljen) begins. British retirement at 4 Kurna. 5 3 End of the battle of | GI the Serbian Ridges. Rout of the Austrians. British success at rT Mezera (Mesopotamia). Death of Beyers. Battle of the Falkland | 8 ,, Islands. German squadron destroyed. Surrender of Kurna to 9 the British. Goebesr driven from [10 Batum. II » 12 LE British submarine tor- | 13 ,, pedoes Turkish battleship ~~ Messoudich. 47 > Serbians retake Bel- 150, grade. Austrians driven out of Serbia. German cruisers bom- | 16

bard Scarborough and Hartlepool.