Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia, str. 265


eee Southern Front. | Africa and Asia. Naval Operations.

Ttalian success on the Isonzo.

{talian success at


Italians capture the crest of San Michele.

Turkish attack in ‘Gallipoli repulsed.

Slight French advance in Gallipoli.


Austrian submarine sinks the Giuseppe

Garibaldi off Cattaro. Austrian squadron bombards Ortona. Turkish defeat at Nasiriyeh ~~ (Mesopotamia). British seize Nasiriyeh. | Italians occupy island of Pelagosa. British submarine sinks

Germans beaten back from Abercorn (Rhodesia).

German destroyer.

British submarinesinks German transport in the Baltic.


1915. 16 July. 17 bE} 18 2] 19 1s 20 21 th) 2z rr 23 » 24 2 25 o 263, 27 y: 2300 29 3 30 3 31 3) 1 Aug. 2 3 3s 4 5