Nelson's history of the war. Vol. XI., The struggle for the Dvina, and the great invasion of Serbia, str. 29
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Greek Prime Minister to be regarded as an assertion of sovereignty for the purpose of record rather than as a warning or a threat.
At this point Russia took up the tale. On 3rd October the Russian Minister at Sofia, Oct M. Savinsky, was instructed to hand to Ph 3 M. Radoslavov the following note :—
« Eyents which are taking place in Bulgaria at this moment give evidence of the definite decision of King Ferdinand’s Government to place the fate of its country in the hands of Germany. The presence of German and Austrian officers at the Ministry of War and on the staffs of the Army, the concentration of troops in the zone bordering on Serbia, and the extensive financial support accepted from our enemies by the Sofia Cabinet no longer leave any doubt as to the object of the present military preparations of Bulgaria.
«The Powers of the Entente, who have at heart the realization of the aspirations of the Bulgarian people, have on many occasions warned M. Radoslavov that any hostile act against Serbia would be considered as directed against themselves. The assurances given by the head of the Bulgarian Cabinet in reply to these warnings are contradicted by facts.
“ The representative of Russia, bound to Bulgaria by the imperishable memory of her liberation from the Turkish yoke, cannot sanction by his presence preparations for fratricidal aggression against a Slav and allied people.
“ The Russian Minister has therefore received orders to leave Bulgaria with all the staffs of the Legation and the Consulates if the Bulgarian Government does not within twenty-four hours openly break with the enemies of the Slav cause and of Russia, and does not at once proceed to send away the officers belonging to the armies of States who are at war with the Powers of the Entente.”
The note seems actually to have been presented on the afternoon of Monday, the 4th. To
this Bulgaria replied at 2.40 p.m. the eis: next day. The reply was unsatisfactory, and the