Otto Weininger on the character of man

man. If one takes one’s stand from the point of view of idea or consciousness, regarding that as absolute reality, then the opposite is ‘unlimited negation’. Plato, as Weininger noted, took this view when he called matter ‘not-being’. For him matter was the negation of being because he regarded idea or concept as the only reality. Such a view may to a superficial judgement seem absurd. To most people matter, which has actual tangible existence, is more real than concepts, which have their being only in consciousness. But it may be easier to understand if we consider the contrast of form and matter. Without form matter is mere chaos; it is meaningless. But what is form? It is mere idea. And without matter, without what is given in sense perception, that is exactly what form is—mere idea. It is obvious that form and matter, idea and actuality, are equally necessary aspects of reality; but if we look upon the one as wholly positive, then the other is wholly negative. From the point of view of actuality or sense experience, idea is unreal. It has no actual and perceptible existence. But from the point of view of idea, actuality, mere formless sense experience, would be equally unreal. It is meaningless and is thus the negation of being. Weininger equates man with form and woman with matter.

He does not support this with any close argument, but it is possible to outline his general case. It will be seen to correspond to the difference in physical function in human reproduction, though Weininger himself does not make this point. On the whole the male character is disruptive, divisive, explosive; the essential female character is cohesive, continuous, protective. It is in the male rather than the female character to do things for their own sakes whatever the consequences, or to rebel against nature, as did Prometheus who stole the fire from heaven. Individual greed, ambition, aggressiveness are male rather than female characteristics. The conviction that life must go on, and the will to protect the family, to preserve society, is more a female attitude. Individuality and community are equally important aspects of human life, but on the whole man’s will goes more towards individuality and woman’s more towards community. Individuality depends on the idea of identity. The logic which has as its first law the Law of Identity has as its second the Law of Contradiction. Individuality arises from the opposing of self to
