Proposal towards a world system of foreign policies, severly impartal proposals and integrally inclusive

Church, would be re-founded properly and necessarily in the human universal organics.

But for the establishment of the world-function of Britain proper, of the Anthrope-Albion, of the Senate Nation of humanity —the Senate Church of humanity itself, (the Catholic Church not being a nation, but only a Church), there is immediate need of reconciliation, or proper and full understanding between the immense and beneficent Britain, and the imperishable (however small) State of Israel—this revived Jewish republic in Palestine. It is impossible for Britain to fulfil her rdle of world initiative or world leadership, by her intermediation, justice, embracing sympathy and good humour; this réle of Britain would not be guaranteed of effective unless Israel in all earnestness and fulness, both from her State of Israel in her Palestine home and from the World-Jewry throughout the world gave their recognition and their affirmatory agreement to Great Britain as the Senate Nation of the world.

Now the mission of Anglican Christianity, of the Church of England should not be forgotten or under-rated. The Church of England is called to intermediate between Protestantism and Catholicism, as also between Catholicism and the Greek Orthodox Christianity: for the human schism and human disaster fundamentally is the war and mutual misunderstanding of the two Hol Churches of Christendom—of the Orthodox and the Catholic Church.

We can now int more detail (though only in the barest formula), approach to the Anthropo-Eirenicon of the New Europe Group today. I plead, pray, and propose, that the neutral states in Sweden, Turkey, Switzerland, Portugal and Israel (though Israel did not exist as a State during the war)—that the not-too-much distressed and occupied, not-so-much confused and defeated, neutrals, should propose to the Third World Element, to Great Britain, that she should convene, either in London, or within the Commonwealth associated with Britain—in Ireland, perhaps, or in Geneva, or again, in America, or in Russia herself, or in one of the States of the Russian world-sphere—a Conference, urgent and radical in its mission, of proposing a NATIONAL UNION of the three Empires of the World, the Empires of the U.S.A., the