Radno i socijalno pravo

Доц. др Зоран Радуловић, Драгомир Јанковић, Последице светске кризе на незапосленост у ЕУ, Радно и социјално право, стр. 39-59, ХТУ (2/2010)

It is indeed a problem to determine which persons are really unemployed in a society because this phenomenon may be observed from many angles (for example, seasonal character of unemployment, labor immobility, etc.). One of the most important tasks of every country, particularly its executive power, is to continually undertake activities on creating conditions for productive and sustainable employment of the greatest possible part of its working-age population. Statistical expression of unemployment situation in a society is unemployment rate which is at the same time also a parameter based on which the level of “social wellbeing,” actually a level of development of a society, may be assessed. The notion of full employment, which was to great extent the subject matter of legal science studies in certain period, represents an unachieved goal from the stand point of practical realization of economically justifiable employment.

The European Union, as an important economically developed regional international organization with supranational element and in continual process of important reforms, has been affected by the problem of unemployment as well. Actually, due to global economic crisis it has an increased unemployment rate. Not all countries have been affected by the said problem to the same extent. On the contrary, amongst the most jeopardized countries are Baltic States, while the least affected country is Holland which has even before the global crisis had one of the smallest unemployment rates in the world. The EU bodies undertake a series of measures to alleviate the problem of unemployment (economies have been supported by exceptional funds to prevent dismissal of workers, shortening of working days is recommended, etc.). The first forecasts regarding duration of the economic crisis have appeared in political and professional circles, while we all hope that it will soon be over.

Key words: Global crisis, effects of the crisis, European Union, EU

institutions, reforms of institutions, unemployment, unemployment rate, economic measures.