Radno i socijalno pravo
Радоје Савићевић, (Нејочекивани ефекти реформе пензијског система, Радно и социјално право, стр. 91-102, ХУ (2/2011)
Radoje Savicevic Pension Department Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy
Ten years following the start of the pension system reform, clearly, it has not yielded the expected results; although, if it had not been introduced, the crisis of this system would have been even deeper. Obviously, the crisis of this system cannot be solved exclusively by the means applied within the system itself, The sustainability of the pension and disability insurance system is conditioned by demographic movements, financial discipline, employment increase that is again preconditioned with economic stability, export growth, revival of commercial production, etc.
The creators of the policy of this system will have to start from the fact that the reform cannot represent, as it has represented so far, a euphemism for restricting the rights and tightening the conditions for its realisation, as it is obvious that these measures solely cannot yield the expected effects. As amputation does not represent curing, but an extreme measure for saving an organism, likewise, the suspension of the rights and tightening of the conditions for their realisation cannot be the only measure for the system recovery. In future steps of the reform, one should start from the income side of the system where the largest financial results may be expected. The measures should primarily refer to improvement of collection of the contributions for pension and disability insurance, prevention of the black market labour, prevention of the occurrence of having the contributions paid according to the lowest base, and decrease of the administrative costs of the system.
Finally, let us be reminded of Charles de Gaulle who said “Yugoslav people are sympathetic. Their biggest crisis they call a reform.”
Key words: Pensions, Pension and Disability Insurance, The Reform.