Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

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panied, 51; the fiords, 51; rocks underneath smashed and pounded, 52; Drift driven into rocks below, 52, 53; the oceans lowered during Drift Age, 61; force with which the Drift came, 97; blown into drifts like snow, 98; the siriations under, how caused, 99; the rocks under lustrous, 99; the groovings not regular, 100; did mnan exist before? 121,

Lrnids, legend of, 135.

Druid legends, 370,

Du-zu, 233.

Earth, consequences to, if struck by comet, 91, 107; the side struck by the comet, 93; increase of heat, 100; full of combustible material, 102.

Eblis, 271.

Echidna, 137.

Eddas, the, 141, 142.

Eden, 368, 405.

Eliphaz, the Temanite, 283, 367.

Encke’s comet, 85.

Engis skull, the, 124, 348,

Enoch, the Book of, 426.

Eocene Drift, 434,

Europe, the Drift absent from parts of, 30.

European legends, 262.

Eyaporation of the seas and rivers, 108.

Evolution, theory of, 406,

Fenris-wolf, the, 143.

Fenris, the wolf, 382, 396,

Feridun, 171.

Fiords, their origin, 51.

“Fire-damp” in comets, 105.

Fires, great, in America, 413; in Wisconsin, 414; in Michican, 416; in Chicago, 414, 420,

Flint, the, 256-259, 265, 303.

“Flysch, the,” 435.

Folk-lore, 116.

France, Drift at Joinville, 54,

Furfooz, caye of, 847.


Gama, 186.

Gambart, M., 408.

Ganglere, 378-380.

Garm, the dog, 396.

Genesis, of the Babylonians, 223.

Genesis, read by comet-licht, 316.

Ginungagap, 149, 393.

Glacial Age described in Ragnarok, 148.

Glacial Age, 396.

Glaciers, described, 17; did not produce the Drift, 17; do not produce Drift-clay, 18 ; rivers issuing from, 19; terminal moraines of, 20; “till” in Switzerland not produced by glaciers, 22; glacierfurrows, 26.

Golden Age, the, before the Drift, 43

Golden Age, 372.

Gomorrah, 388.

Gothic legends, 370.

Granite, the source of the clays, 76.

Granite, the, its nature, 436.

Gravel, part of Drift, 2; where did it come from? 11; in Africa, 40; the ocean produces but little, 78 ; produced more by rivers than oceans, 79; Drift, differs from common, 80; rain of, from heayen, 166; the fall of, 251, 265,

Gravel, the, 304.

Great Britain, “till” of, 4; fiords of, 51.

Great fires in America, 413, 421.

Great Lakes of America, pre-clacial forests of, 50.

Greek legends, 387.

Greenland, ice-sheets of, 32; icebergs and glaciers of, 35; icesheets of, 40; pre-clacial climate of, 44; fiords of, 51.

Grendel, 233.

Guachimenes, 180,

Gylfe, 370, 378.

Hannibal, 390. Haokah, 257. Har, 379, 381.