Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

INDEX. 447

Hare, the Great, 173, 182, 361; legends concerning, 362, 374.

Hea, 224.

Heat, great, a prerequisite of the Drift Age, 58.

Heat from comets, 100; rocks decomposed by, 103.

Heimdal, 146, 881, 382.

Hercules, 242, 262, 394.

Hermod, 240.

Herodotus, 370.

Herschel, Sir John, 86.

Hesiod, legend of, 136.

Hesiod, 261.

Hesperides, the, 262.

Heva, 372, 373, 383.

Himinbjorg, 381.

Hindoo legends, 263.

Hoder, the night, 151.

Hodur, 239, 241.

Horse, pre-glacial, 351.

Horus, 234,

Humboldt, Alexander yon, 220, 953, 408.

Hurakan, 257.

Hurricanes, power of, 396.

Ice Age, what it was, 389.

Icebergs, did not produce the Drift, 13; do not carry débris, 15; could not mark the rocks, 16; do not striate surface-rocks, 35.

Ice-sheets, continental, did not produce the Drift, 23; supposed elevation of land, 24; no downward movement of mountain-ice, 24,

Tlia, 243.

Illinois, Drift deposits of, 28; preglacial forests of, 48; coin found in, 355.

Tnereased light of stars, 101.

Indians of Mount Shasta, their legends, 202.

Indra, 237, 238.

Intercalated beds, the, 53, 54.

Jowa, the Drift absent from parts of, 31; does not extend west of, Bl.

Tqui-Balam, 244,

Traghdadakh, 258.

Ireland, Drift i in, 4; trees found in Drift, 48.

Ireland, 259, 381.

Trish elk, 54.

Troquois legends, the, 173, 204, 373.

Tsis, 285, 240.

Island, the, of the Innocent, 300, 367.

Ttaly, no true Drift in, 21.

Ivan, the simple, 242.

Jafnhar, 393.

Japan, legends of, 258.

Jasher, the book of, 264.

Job, 367, 377, 394, 404, 438,

Job, the book of, 276.

Job, an Arabian, 2 278.

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 115.

Joinville, Drift of, 54,

Joshua, legend of, 264.

Joskeha, 173, 375.

Jupiter, ‘the planet, struck by Lexell’s comet, 85.

Jurassic Drift, 434,

Kamucu, the song, 246.

Kang- hi, 259.

Kansas, ancient remains of man in, 129.

Kerlaugs, the, 380.

Koran, the, 406.

Kormt, 380.

Krishna, 361, 372.

Labrador, fiords of, 51.

Lakes, the Great, of Amcrica, what caused them, 95, 96.

Lanka, 263.

Lanka, Island of, 370, 871, 375.

Lankha, Island of, 172.

Legends, their description of the comet, 76; of the coming of the comet, 132; the Hindoo legend, 132; of the ancient Persians, 134, 171; the Druid legend, 135; the ancient Greek, 136; Ragnarok, 141; of Phaéton, 154; of Toltees, 166; of Tahoe Indians, 167; of Aztecs, 169; of Hindoos, 171;