Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


Perun, 260.

Peruvian legends, 373.

Peruvians, belief of, 428,

Peshtigo, creat fire in, 414, 415.

Peter, Saint, second epistle of, 427,

Petite Anse Island, 346.

Phaéton, the conflagration of, 154; his death, 162; bis epitaph, 162.

Phaéton, 370, 388.

Phoenicians, 261.

Phoibos Apollo, 173,

Piguerao, 180.

Pindar, 140.

Plato, 369, 383, 404, 497,

Pliocene, man of, 127,

Pliocenes of Tuseany, 351,

Plummet, syenite, California, 130.

Polynesians, lerends of, 183.

Popul Vuh, the, 216, 244,

Port Huron, great fire in, 416.

Portugal, 259.

Poseidon, 369, 375, 427.

Pre-glacial, the, climate, 43 ; man, 45; animals of, destroyed, 46; forests, 47; pre-glacial man, 121; bones found, 122; his implements found, 123; skull, 124; his extinction, 126; pre-glacial rain, 320; pre-glacial man, civilization of, 341; an agriculturist, 842, 343; astronomical knowledge of, 342; domesticated animals of, 342, 348, 344: musical instruments of, 344, 345 ; Temains of, 345, 347; pottery of, 347; his works of art, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353; coin of, 355 ; pre-glacial coin, 355.

Prometheus delivered, the, 262.

Proteus, 368.

Pueblos, 198, 200.

Pueblo Indians, 428.

Python, 171, 173.

Quetzalcoatl, 259, 316. Quia-Tonatiuh, 265.

Quiche, the, legends, $77. Quiches, legends of, 216, 218. Quiches, 244, 257, 266.


Ra, 184, 235.

Rabbit, the, killed the Winter, 205,

Ragnarok, 141; meaning of name, 141; the battle with the comets, 145; the Glacial Age follows, 148; the regeneration, 150, 254, 239, 373, 380, 382, 427.

Rain of fire and gravel, lezend of, 166.

Rain, pre-glacial, 320.

Rakchasos, 373.

Rama, 171, 263, 370, 374, 878, 394.

Ravana, 171, 370, 875, 378.

Rayanna, 263.

Reindeer, pre-glacial representation of, 350.

Revelation, 425,

Rind, 239.

Rocks, surface, under Drift, markings on, 25.

Runes, 344.

Russia, the Drift absent from parts of, 30.

Russian mammoths, 56.

Russian folk-lore, 242.

Russian legend, 260.

Sahagun, Fr. Bernardo de, 191.

Sahara, the Desert of, 39,

Saint Acheul, remains of man at, 122.

Saint Croix, Dalles of the, 51,

Sanchoniathon, lezends of, 208.

Sanchoniathon, 266.

Sand driven by wind, action of, 99.

San Joaquin Valley, plummet, 352.

Savai, 184.

Scandinavian lecends, 141.

Seene of man’s survival, 366.

Scotland, “till” of, 3, 4, 10; preglacial animals of, 50,

Scotland, 259.

Scythians, lexends of, 266.

Sea-waves did not produce the Drift, 10; their eroding action, 78; limited results of, 78; their transporting power, 79.

Seb, 241.

Seminoles, legends of, 201.

Seneca, 136,