Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

INDEX. 449

May-pole, 241.

Mbocobi, legend of, 181.

Meda-worship, 362.

Memphis, Tennessee, remains found near, 354.

Mentone skeleton, the, 122.

Mero, 370.

Meropes, 370, 580.

Merops, 370.

Merou, 370.

Meru, 238, 370.

Meteorie shower of the year 1202, 429; of 1366, 429.

Meteoroids, 397, 398.

Meteorites, 397, 398.

Michabo, 428.

Michael, the archangel, 248.

Michigan, University of, 50; great fire in, £16.

Midgard-serpent, the, 143, 395.

Milton, 246, 430.

Mimer’s well, 109, 394.

Minnesota, the Drift absent from part of, 31; the clays of, 33, 403, 413.

Miocene, man of, 128.

Miocene-drift, 435.

Mississippi Valley, remains found in, 354,

Missouri, ancient remains of man in, 129.

Miztees, legends of, 185, 266, 374.

Monan, 183.

Morayshire legends, 262.

Muspel, 379, 382, 384.

Muspelheim, 144; meant Africa, 159, 393, 399.

Myths, the nature of, 113; how far to be depended on, 115; inecreasing respect for, 116; effect of civilization on, 117,

Naglfar, the ship, 143, 147. Nana, 239. Nanaboju, 258. Nanahuatzin, 195. Nanih-waiya, 201. Natchez, legends of, 201. Nayajos, their legends, 196. Nayajos, legends, 373.


Neanderthal skull, the, 125, 348.

Negro, color of the, 366.

New York, Drift-deposits of, 28.

Niagara, Falls of, recession of, 404,

Nibir, 224.

Nifiheim, 393, 395.

Noah’s Deluge, 403, 404.

Nod, land of, 368.

Noachie Deluge, 10.

Northern Cross, star in, 101.

Northmen, 381.

Norwich crag, forest of, 48.

Nova Scotia, fiords of, 51.

Objections considered, 389.

Odin, gives his eye for a drink of water, 109; his death, 147; his tablets found, 152, 894.

Ohio, pre-glacial remains of, 50.

Ohio, 353.

Ojibways, legend of, 181.

Old Red Sandstone, Drift Age of, 434,

Omahas, legend of, 205.

Oraibi, legends of, 202.

Oregon, the Drift absent from parts of, 31.

Ormaz, 237.

Ormt, 380.

Orpheus, 208.

Osars, 346.

Osiris, 234-241.

Ossian, 115.

Ovid, 260, 368, 878, 384, 42’,

Oxygen in the atmosphere, 102.

Ogyges, deluge of, 404.

Pacarin-Tampu, the House of Birth, 180, 195.

Pagar idols, 424.

Pallas, 261.

Pankhoos, of India, legend of, 195,

Pa’n-ku, 210.

“ Paradise Lost,” 246.

Patagonia, Drift of, 11.

Permian-Drift, 434.

Persian fire-worship, 171.

Perthes, Boucher de, 346.

Peru, legends of, 266.