Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

List of Publications. 3

Bayard Series (continued) :Essay on Chesterfield by M. de

Ste.-Beuve, of the French Aca- |


The King and the Commons. A Selection of Cavalier and Puritan Songs. Edited by Professor Morley.

Essaysin Mosaic. By Thos. Ballantyne. his Friends, gerald.

Reflections ; or, Moral Sentences and Maxims of the Duke de la Rochefoucauld, Socrates: Memoirs for English Readers from Xenophon’s Memorabilia, By Edw. Levien.

Edited by P. Fitz-

My Uncle Toby; his Story and | Prince Albert’s Golden Precepts. A Case containing 12 Velumes, price 318. 6d.; or the Case separately, price 35. 6d.

Behnke and Browne.

Childs Voice.

Small 8yo, 35. 6d.

Bukersteth (Bishop E. H.) The Clergyman in his Home.

Small post Svo, Is,

8vo, Is.

——— from Year to Year: Original Poetical Pieces,

— Lvangelical Churchinanship and Evangelical Eciecticism.


post Svo, 3s. 6d. ; roan, 6s. and 5s,; calf or morocco, 10s, 6d,

——— fiymnal Companion to the Book of Common Prayer. May be had in various styles and bindings from 1d. to 31s, 6¢. Price List and Prospectus will be forwarded on application.

The Master's Home-Call ; or, Brief Memorials of Alice

Frances Bickersteth. 2oth Thousand. 32m, cloth gilt, Is.

——— The Masters Will.

A Funeral Sermon preached on

the Death of Mrs. S. Gurney Buxton. Sewn, 6d. ; cloth gilt, 15.

—— The Reef, and other Parables.

Crown 8vyo, 25. 6d.

—— The Shadow of the Rock. A Selection of Religious


18mo, cloth extra, 2s. 6d.

—— The Shadowed Home and the Light Beyond. New

Edition, crown 8yo, cloth extra, 5s.

Biographies of the Great Artists (Zilustrated). Crown 8yo,

emblematical binding, 3s. 6d. per volume, except where the price is given,

Claude Lorrain.*

Correggio, by M. E. Heaton, 25. 6d. Della Robbia and Cellini, 25. 6d. Albrecht Diirer, by R. F. Heath. Figure Painters of Holland. FraAngelico,Masaccio, and Botticelli.

Gainsborough and Constable. Ghiberti and Donatello, 2s, 6d, Giotto, by Harry Quilter.

Hans Holbein, by Joseph Cundall. Hogarth, by Austin Dobson. Landseer, by I’. G. Stevens,

Fra Bartolommeo, Albertinelli, and | Lawrence and Romney, by Lord

Andrea del Sario.

Ronald Gower, 25. 6d,

* Not yet published.