Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel

List of Publications. 5

Brisse (Baron) Ménus (366). A ménu,in French and English, for every Day in the Year, Translated by Mrs. MATTHEW CLARKE, 2nd Edition. Crown 8yo, 5s.

British Fisheries Directory, 1883-84. Small 8vo, 25. 6d.

Brittany. See BLACKBURN.

Brown. Life and Letters of John Brown, Liberator of Ki ansas, and Martyr of Virginia. By F.B.Sanporn, Illustrated. S8yo, 125.67.

Browne (G. Lennox) Voice Use and Stimulants. Sm. Syo, 35. 6d,

and Behnke (Emil) Voice, Song, and Speech. Tlustrated, 3rd Edition, medium S8vo, 1 5s.

Bryant (W. C.) and Gay (S. 7.) History of the United States. 4 vols., royal Svo, profusely Illustrated, 60s.

Bryce (kev. Professor) Manitoba. With Illustrations and Maps. Crown 8yo, 7s. 6d.

Bunyans Pilgrim's Progress. With 138 original Woodcuts. Small post Svo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6¢.; gilt edges, 4s.

Burnaby (Capt.) On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols., Syo, 38s. Cheaper Edition, 1 vol., crown 8yo, 10s. 6d.

Burnaby (Mrs. F.) High Alps in Wintzr ; or, Mountaineering

in Search of Health. By Mrs. FRED BuRNABY. With Portrait of the Authoress, Map, and other Illustrations. Handsome cloth, 14s.

Builer (W. F.) The Great Lone Land; an Account of the Red

Riyer Expedition, 1869-70. New Edition, cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 75. 6d. Invasion of England, told twenty years after, by an Old Soldier. Crown 8yo, 2s. 6d.

Red Cloud ; or, the Solitary Sioux, Imperial 16mo,

numerous illustrations, gilt edges, 5s.

Lhe Wild North Land ; the Story of a Winter Journey

with Dogs across Northern North America. Svo, 18s. Cr. 8vo, 75. 6d.

Buxton (H. F.W.) Painting, English and American. Crown

8yo, 55.

(CADOGAN (Lady A.) Illustrated Games of Patience. Twenty-four Diagrams in Colours, with Text. Feap. 4to, 12s. 6d.

California. See “ Nordhoff.”

Cambridge Staircase (A). By the Author of “A Day of my

Life at Eton.” Small crown 8yo, cloth, 2s. 6d.