Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


List of Publications. 13


Hargreaves (Capt.) Voyage round Great Britain. Illustrated. Crown 8yo, 55.

Harland (Marian) Home Kitchen: a Collection of Practical

and Inexpensive Receipts. Crown 8vo, 5s.

Harpers Monthly Magazine. Published Monthly. 160 pages, fully Illustrated. Is. Vol. I. December, 1880, to May, 1881. 5» Li. June to November, 18Sr. ,, Ill. December, 1881, to May, 1882. », 1V. June to November, 1882. +, W. December, 1882, to May, 1883. yy WI. June to November, 1883. »; WII. December, 1883, to May, 1884. »» WILL. June to November, 1884. 5, IX. December, 1884, to May, 1885. 5, X. June to November, 1885. Super-royal Syo, 8s. 67. each.

«© Harper's Magazine’ is so thickly sown with excellent illustrations that to count them would be a work of time; not that it is a picture magazine, for the engravings illustrate the text after the manner scen in some of our choicest éditzons deluxe” St. Fames's Gazette.

“Tt is so pretty, so big, and so cheap.... An extraordinary shillingsworthx60 large octavo pages, with over a score of articles, and more than three times as many illustrations. ’—Zdindurgh Daily Review.

“ An amazing shillingsworth . . . combining choice literature of both nations.”Nonconjormist. Harpers Young People. Vol. I., profusely Illustrated with woodcuts and 12 coloured plates. Royal 4to, extra binding, 75. 6¢.; gilt edges, 8s, Published Weekly, in wrapper, 1d. I2mo. Annual Subscription, post free, 6s. 6¢.; Monthly, in wrapper, with coloured plate, 6¢.; Annual Subscription, post free, 75. 6d.

Harrison (Mary) Shilful Cook: a Practical Manual of Modern Experience. Crown 8vo, 5s.

Hatton (F) North Borneo. With Biographical Sketch by Jos. Hatton, Illustrated from Original Drawings, Map, &c. 8yo, 18s.

Hatton (Joseph) Journalistic London: with Engravings and Portraits of Distinguished Writers of the Day. Feap. 4to, 125. 6d.

Three Recruits, and the Girls they left behind them.

Small post 8vo, 6s.

“ Tt hurries us along in unflagging excitement.” — Times. Heath (Francis George) Autumnal Leaves. New Edition, with Coloured Plates in Facsimile from Nature. Crown 8vo, 14s.

Fern Paradise. New Edition, with Plates and Photos., crown Syo, 12s. 6d.