RTV Teorija i praksa

Communications” objavljuje mnogobrojne studije iz oblasti medija. Od tih tekstova sledećih pet je ušlo u njegovu knjigu objavljenu 1960. godine pod nazivom časopisa: * „Accoustic Space” (sa A.S. Carpenter) ® „Classroom Without Wals” 9 „Тће Effect of the Printed Book on Language in the Sixteenth Century” ® „Five Sovereign Fingers Taxed the Breath” ® „Media Log” „Culture Without Literacy”, u: ~Exploration” I tom, decembar 1953, 117-127. „Јоусе, Mallarme and the Press”, u; ~Sewanee Review” LXII, zima 1954, 38-55. „Comics and Culture”, u: M. Ross, Our Sense of Identity, Ryerson Press, Toronto 1954, 240-246. „Media as Art Forms”, u: ~Exploration” 111 tom, avgust 1954, 6-13. ~Psychopathology of Time and Life”, u: C. Brossard, Scene Before You: a Nezv Approach to American Culture, Rinehart, New York 1955, 147-160. „Radio and Television VS the ABCED”, u: ~Exploration” tom V, juni 1955, 12-18. „American Advertising” i „Sight Sound and the Fury”, u: B. Rosenburg and D.M, White, Mass Culture: the Popular Arts in America, Free Press, New York 1957, 435-442. „The Electronic Revolution in North America”, u: John Wain, International Literary Annual No. 1, John Calder, London 1958, 165-169. ~Myth and Mass Media”, u: „Daedalus” LXXXVIII, proleće 1959, 339-348.

„The Effect of the Improvement of Communication Media”, u: Journal of Economic History” XX, decembar 1960, 566-575. „The Humanities in the Electric Age”, u: „Humanities Research Bulletin” (Canada) XXXIV, Fall 1961, 185-197. „The Electronic Age - the Age of Implosion”, u: ].A. Irving, Mass Media in Canada, Ryerson Press, Toronto 1962, 179-205. „Introduction” za knjigu Harold Innis, The Bias о/ Communication, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1964. ~New Media and the АгГ, u: ,Дгls in society”, University of Wisconsin Press, 1964. „Guaranteed Income in the Electric Age”, u: R. Theobald, The Guaranteed Income: Next Step in Economic Revolution, Doubleday, New York 1966, 185-197. „The Environment”, u: Roloff Вепу To Every Thing is a Season, Longmans of Canada, Toronto 1967, 312-313. „Verbi-Voco-Visual Exploration", Villefranche-sur-Mer 1967 (izlaganje na seminaru). , „Television in a New Light: the Meaning of Coramercial Television, Austin-Texas 1968 (izlaganje na seminaru). „Marchall McLuhan: a candid conversation with the priest of popcult metaphysician of media, intervju u reviji ~Playboy” broj 16, mart 1969. „McLuhan on Russia”, intervju mesečnom informativnom časopisu „The McLuhan Dew Line” broj 2 (koji izdaju njegovi učenici), maj-juni 1970. „Les professeurs doivent devenir les conseillers des čtudiants qui programmeront les nouveaux