RTV Teorija i praksa

media en vue de l’dtude”, članak u časopisu ~Le Monde diplomatique”, 4. maj 1970. - „Charing the News”, članak pisan za ,Д.В.С.” (American Broadcasting Ćompanies Inc.), avgust 1971. - „Roles, Masks and Performances”, članak u ~New Literary History” broj 2, proleće 1971. - ~La revolution de l’information”, izlaganje na 12. bijenalu informacija, Touquet, 21. juni 1973. - „The Argument; Causality in the Electric World”, u: ~Technology and Culture” broj 14, Chicago 1973 (sa Barrington Nevitt). - „Tćlćvision etradiodifusion”, za ~Encyclopedia Universalis”, Paris 1973 (sa Derrick de Kerckhove). - ~The Clobal Theater”, u: „Journal of Čommunication” broj 24/1, zima 1974, 48-59. SVET O MAKLUANU: - „Running It up the Totem Pole”, Dwight McDonald, u: „Воок Week” 1/1, 7. juni 1964, 14-15. - ~Philosophy in a Pop Кеу”, Harold Rosenburg, u; ~New Yorker” XLI, 27. februar 1965, 129-136. - „Against McLuhan”, Benjamin Demott, u: ~Esquire” LXVI, avgust 1966, 71-73. ~De l’homme typographique h l’homme ćlectronique”, Paul Reiseman, u: ~Critique”, juni 1966. - „Marshall Mac Luhan”, Kattan Naim, u: ~Critique”, mart 1967, The Modern Century, Northrope Frye, Oxford University Press, Toronto 1967, 38-40. - „Conversation with McLuhan”, Gerald Stearn, u: „Encounter” XXVIII, juni 1967, 50-58. - „The Message is McLuhan”, Rudolf

Klein, u: „The Observer", 1. oktobar 1967. „Cut-Rate Salvation”, Anthony Quinton, u: ~New York Review of Books” IX, 23. novembar 1967, 6-14. McLuhan Hot and Cool: A Critical Symposiwn, Gerald Stearn, Dial Press, New York 1967 (antologija polemika o Makluanu koja uključuje i neke gore navedene tekstove). ® Pour ou contre Mac Luhan, Seuil, Paris 1969 (prevod P.Y. Petillon i G. Durand). „The Paradox of Marshall McLuhan”, Neil Compton, u: ~New Araerican Review” broj 2, januar 1968, 77-94. Marshall McLuhan, Dennis Duffy, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto 1968. „It’s Time to Turn off McLuhan”, Roy Huggins, u: „Television” br. 2/1968. Sens and Nonsense of McLuhan, Sidney Finkelstein, International Publishers, Montreal 1968. ® Mac Luhan. prophete ou imposteur?, Mame, Paris 1970. McLuhan pro and co, Raymond Rosenthal, Funk and Vagnals, New York 1968. .fvlassaging McLuhan”, Paul Zimmerman, u: ~Newsweek”, 23. septembar 1968. „Pour comprendre Mac Luhan”, Edgar Marin, u: ~La quinzaine litteraire”, 16-31. mart 1969. „Communication de masse et mutations culturelles”, Jean Cazeneuve, u: „Cahiers internationaux de Sociologie” XLVI/ 1969. ,/ivant et aprčs Mac Luhan”, P.Y. Petillon, u: ~Critique” broj 265, juni 1969.