RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

subject. In my opinion, however, that conduct, which is the expression of self-sufiiciency, could also be described as provincial, for it is the expression of the conviction that others cannot do something as well as I and that everything to be done must be done by me with my own forces, on the basis of my own ideological, aesthetic and other criteria... Неге can we see the problem which has been discussed for a long time iri various Yugoslav institutions. This is the problem of the organisation and constitution of the information system in Yugoslavia. This system has been constituted to a great extent to imitate some systems outside Yugoslavia, some traditional or classic systems. In the framework of such a constitution of the information system there occurs the phenomenon that radio, television and the press act not only as sufficient unto themselves but also, in a certain way as in opposition to one another and third parties. The non-complementary nature of the information system is evident and, in my opinion, it wou!d not be difficult to prove it with a simple analysis. In this sense, I agree with Comrade Puharić that vve should strive to create a complementary system through which this society would acomplish- its role by means of information or everything which is understood by information in the broadest sense of the term. DŽEVAD JUNIKU Assistance General Director of RTV Priština I consider that television's contribution is not adepuate bearing in mind its possibilities of expression. Our contribution to integration, if it is not founded on a self-management basis, could also contribute to the contrary - to disintigradon and attempts at disintigration cannot reflect unconscious ог unintentional motives but those of an opportunist and anti-self-management nature. Television will be of exceptional importance in as much as it contributes to the integration of the self-management society, in as much as it is founded on relations of equality of the nations and nationalities and serves the further development of self-managemenl socio-economic and political relations. It is a case of how we comprehend the concrete contribution to integration. When we speak of the role of television as a factor ol self-management integration, I am more in favour of us increasmg this contribution first and foremosl in the sense of the integration ol the message. I consider that this is our mam goal - to serve the integration with the message. In second would come the integrauon of the television programmes themselves in the sense of jomt projects etc. The most important is the integration of the message.