RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

I think that in past relations we have neglected another form of cooperation which could be called »the circulation of personnel and cadres«. This form of circulation of people and ideas will be of excepdonaJ importance in order to keep our cooperadon on the level which society expects of us... IVOR GRUDEN Editor-in-chief of TV Ljublajna: The most important thing is the prompt mutual informadon as to who is preparing what, what has been produced etc. for us to be able on the nationaJ screens to show programmes which аге геаЈЈу good, programmes which give a picture of realistic current trends in social events of the individual republics. In short, it is essential for each station, in accordance with its programme policy, to be abie to make a selection of what is the most important at a given moment. This is also important for each TV station to be able to acliieve its own programme responsibility. Such responsibility is for the whole of the programme which it either receives directly ог, with the necessary translation, transmits. I consider that this prompt, comprehensive and constant flow of information is lacking despite all the institutions which exist. We must therefore examine how to receive and complete this prompt information... I propose that we consider the idea of a Vugoslav television stations’ bulletin whieh could be published monthly of fortnightly giving information as to what is being prepared in the individual stations... ŽELJKO KOEVSKI Editor-in-chief of Information programme of TV Skoplje: We in the republic of Macedonia, in Television Skoplje, encounter language difficulties in the reporting of the most current events and trends in the country. Involved here аге Television Ljubljana, Television Priština and Television Novi Sad. It is a little more difficult in these cases for there is the problem of the translations and the necessary adaptation of the material. If the author himself speaks in the supplement then it is even more difficult... Some studies have begun with the correspondent network and rightly so, but I have the impression that the correspondent network Will never be able to accomplish a first rate exchange of information as one correspondent is neither sufficiently qualified to be able to express everything of most current importance at a given moment in one republic nor is he physicahy capable of doing so. Secondly, I do not think that this is the expression of the real situation, for the