RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue


MIROLJUB JEVTOVIČ Editor of RTV magazine: Vugoslav television is exerting tremendous efforts to become better organised. I have also had the pleasure of becoming acquamted wxth television companies in other countries. Our magazme recently reported on the chaos reigning in Italian television. Charges were brought against the state stipulating that it does not have the nght to a monopoly and RAI (Itahan radio-television сотрапу) lost Rigourous moves аге being made in France. Sweden has excellent multi-media orientation the like of which we can only dream of. Ten vears ago there was an interesting parhamentary repost on the situation in the BBC. Recently the anual report was pubhshed which will be discussed in No. 8 of our magazme. Televisions are attempting to take a critical look at themselves, to develop more speedily and to be at least a step ahead of practice. This is why it is necessary to examine the situation m detail and crvstalise in practice the principled examination. I consider that now we look upon constitutional transformation тоге from the pomt o view of a macro-organisational, technical, econonuc, cooperahon point of view. Only in subtle reports can it be felt that the essence hse in the micro-plan. Do we really understand television m the nght way 9 When I say »the right way«, I am thinkmg that the Vugosla S of tetevision must £kr ftom othe, .iews of whoh exist in the world such as in the autontanan, state world ot the bast ог the capitalist world of the West. Vugoslav television has certain principled, strategical solutions. There аге however no satisfactory concrete solutxons. lt is evrdent that a Copernicus grasp is necessary as regards television methods. The essence of the problem is as foUows: We have imported technology from the West and whUe importing technology have also imported the concept of the media. The term »mass communications« is frequently used but there really is no such thmg as mass communications. There exists the mass transfer of readv-made categories of judgements and stands. Jhis is th«: old orientation of these and such mass media. In order for the media Л become truly self-management they must ипа / Г Д O Л^° Г d 0 ° e Tt all boils down to how we treat the man before the screen. uo we do om utost to work for the man on the other side of the screen or are we still to a certain extent onentated towards bureaucraU -technical structures? Even after the international combustion engine had been discovered, саг bodies continued to look the same for тапу yvas, fm_it« difficult to change ideas on the shape of a medra. g television media is not re-directed to a sufficient extent to the