RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

self-management media. It is evident in each television programme how we treat the man on the other side of the screen. Do we treat him in an authoritative way, in a way which demonstrates there we do not trust him to be mature enough to make his own decisions? Politically speaking, the Vugoslav man in the street has the right to his own decisions but this right is frequently not seen in the domain of mformation. We treat the viewer as a man to receive ready-made judgements and ready-made positions instead of his receiving a number of facts and diiemmas for him to decide on the correct solution himself. If a man makes up his own mind, then he takes up a specific position and is active according to his position in society. It is the communicator (and society as a whole) which is responsible for the positions for which people opt. In this context, my report is not sufficiently coherent. I therefore return to my proposal that the examination of the TV medium should be organised. We support proposals for a resume thereof to be made and for a number of teams to work in a more organised way on this task... I consider that a theoretical examination of the essence of the media and the method is necessary... The deductive method is used in the Yugoslav media a great deal. This means that we take over ready-made positions and principles which have been constituted in political and other fora and then we only demonstrate them, illustrate them with examples - act in a deductive way, instead of making use of a phenomenological, inductive method which is perfect for television but is, unfortunately, severely lacking in our programmes. Am I right? Analyses should be made in order to reach the best possible conclusions... SLOBODANBUDAKOV ...I think that the discussion has shown... that the needs of society are changing and growing faster than we can manage to adapt ourselves to them as concems programme, organisation and technology. For a start, I consider that this symposium is sufficient, with the inclusion of the assessment on the fact that a great deal remains to be done... The steps to be taken to improve the state of affairs are now to be decided upon on the base of thorough research and extensive consultation... the corresponding decisions will then be taken... One of the first subjects of discussion is without doubt Yugoslav mformation on TV programmes. What should »Yugoslav