RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

information« mean and what role should it play on television? Steps should be taken to assure the foilowing: 2. A more concrete and more speciftc analysis of the subject ot inter-republican information... 3. An examination of how television fohows the functioning of the Federation... 4 A discussion on the subject of the organisation of commumties ol mterest and their interaction and the role of television ш this organisation... 5. The organisational and technical conditions for programme cooperation amongst TV centres... 6. An examination of the method of long-term planning and the adjustment of television plans... 7. The provision of information for abroad by means of television... 8. The complementary nature of the mass media... 9 Research into the programme potential of the Vugoslav televisions background, mdndmg programmc por.nual, Ш. A discussion on the subjcct .television as an attracnon and as a function«. 11. An examination of the content of programmes purchased from abroad... 12. An analysis on television business abroad. 13 The efficient mutual provision of information * e television stations on programme plans, orgamsational an aspects. 14. An analysis of the content and activity of TV conditions of the delegate system. An exammation of how this can be changed in order to have not only ready-made mformation, which informs us of decisions already passed, but also mformati which will help us reach decision, whkh wih precede the decision. 15 An examination of the research methods on the eftects of TV oroeranuues 1 These methods are varied accordmg to spec.fic needs which have burdened the methods with the hentage °f bourge sociology which treats the viewmg pubhc as an amorphous, KX”rr» b n““pu r |d d Гее i„ wh.. wa,. ; methods...