RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

TV dramas which аге in some way in conflict with those forms which аге typical of television (direct broadcasts). However, even when television is involved there exist »cycles« and »series« which аге dominant when planning TV programmes. These principles are also basically »non-art« because they reduce creation to achievement, since the individual creative act is subordinated to the principles of series and industrial production. 3. In the ега of the printed word and the film picture, the writer was master of the medium and used it to express his personal opinions. In the television age, with its electronic picture, the medium is master of its producers and it requires that producers respect its »documentary« and non-metaphoric nature. Summary: The documentary and non-metaphoric nature of the TV medium deprives us of the right to work in »art«. It enables us instead to work in television - and in so doing it offers us a rich reward: to be constantly caught up in everyday life and to follow the authentic events taking place in front of the electronic cameras. Therefore, our responsibihty to the documentary material is identical to our responsibility towards the medium which is in our hands, and we subordinate our creation to its »non-artistic« nature.