RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Jelašin Sinovec

1) MarshaU McLuhan, The Guttenberg Galaxy, ed. »Nolit«, Belgrade, 1973, p. 61

2) Ibid.

TV director


In the beginning was the Word (Holly Scripture) In the beginning was the Work (Goethe, »Faust«) In the beginning was the happening. The object demanding to be objectified, to be represented. In a tactile, accoustic, visual, pictural, sculptural, plastic, iconic form... The classic position of the aesthetic as the »transfer of reality from objects into exactly repeatable and (therefore, apparently) stable (verbal) pattems (M. MeLuhan), was the position of trans-position. The ideal model of this, quoted by the same author 1 , was given by E. Muybridge in his experiment, when with 30 cameras bemg at a distance of 30 cm each from other, he carned out the so-called »translation of the orgamc mto the graphic form« fflming a bird's fflght m order to create by the application of a wheel (mechamcal element) the illusion of the organic - i.e. a new fflght, but now produced by a moving tape, which is in a strict sense just a precursor, but is m апу case a fflm already. Ву this, the translation has explicitly been camed by a mechanical procedure of the organic and the simultaneous into the static, and then the P‘ctor ial aspect, which is at the same time the way of the obstraction and the transposition. The contemporary position, by the appearance oi electronic media whose basic assumption is electricity, i.e. the contracting and comprehensive consciousness of the »simultaneous events m a total field of simultaneous relations« which breaks the Newtonian visual space as a mere abstrac iUusion separated from the sense of touch that new consciousness will postulate, m the domain the aesthetic, a series of new assumpUons relaUng