RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

to the attribution of the electrifying and they аге the following: a) ±e tactile - i.e. getting closer and not further of the object and b) which consequently results as the in-position, contrary to the transposition and the transposed as the principle of the imposed and the imposing, in the sense of being in life itself and placing the emphasis on life and the lively. 3 The relation is essentiaUy reversible, the result apparently equal, the procedure reversed from the »transferred« in the transposed to the »inserted« in the imposed. It is evident that two distinct representatives of both relations are film and television. WhUe film marks the highest rise and the point of the aesthetic position which, in aesthetic phenomena of works of art of different artistic branches, seized only the partial moments of sound, drawing, colour, mass, volume, image, time, gesture analysis, etc., television, by its electro-comprehensiveness makes the totality of everything existing a object, including the objects of aU these assumed arts so that the diameter of the »event« widens itself for television which wiU by its specificity of »electrifying« be in a more direct contact and relation, and by its characteristic of comprehensiveness, a new mosaic phenomena, actuaUy, an electro-mosaic type of the aesthetic phenomena. Professor Philip Mottram, from the London International FUm School, in a lecture given to the students of the Belgrade Faculty of Dramatic Arts, in March 1977, stated an extremely interesting example, although in a different context, i.e. when the cameraman Uves through a situation in an unreal way. However, this is an extremely interesting example for us, the analysis of which we shaU elaborate because it holds all the essential elements and assumptions for the Ulustration of the matter: in the first place, the event, then, the direct contact with the event and, fmaUy, the work on the transmission of the event. The example is as foUows: in the weU-known events in ChUe, a film cameraman happened to be in the midst of the riots and registered with his camera

3) Thus Heidegger’s proposition that art is the - idea - set - in - thework (»Die Idee in das Werk stellen«) will have a đirect antimethaphysical meaning of the established (»Ins Werk der Idee hergestellt«) and the fixed, so that the »ftxation (Festgestehtsein) of the truth into the image (Gestalt)« will be marked as the fucation of the truth into the event.