RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

more attention should be given to »ethnic« programmes 3 . With respect to the television programme it is observed, above аП, that it is pulling out of the crisis of a few years ago. Specially praised for quality are documentary programmes of a travelogue character, a chronicle type 6 , anđ programmes for the youngest age group. The situation with domestic played series is getting better, except for comedy series. The fact that the central evening news programme as a rule has the biggest audience in a single day certainly points to the viewers’ great interest in it and is probably the reason why discussions frequently tum to news-information programmes: positive assessments predominate but demands are reiterated like a recurring refrain for reduction in the amount of items dealing with the work of various socio-poltiical fora, for a more engage and analytical approach, for greater receptivity to happenings at »lower« levels - in enterprises and local communities. With reference to the latter expectations are high regarding the announced opening of regional television stations. Furthermore, there are frequent complaints about the dullness of the language in these programmes. Mention must also be made of complaints that besides a more uo-to-date approach, more room : should be made for programmes for young people, and devoted to women, that educational programmes should be more flexible in keeping abreast with changes in the educational system, that there should be more on contemporary advances in science. Viewers call for a more critical selection of foreign programmes and suggest that die circle of countries involved be broadened. Sxmilarly, the unsatisfactory standard of advertising programmes has repeatedly been pointed out. Just as the discussions on past programmes show that the audience is maturing - increasingly insisting on qualitative changes, it may also be observed that interest is growing amongst participants in the discussions for the draft programme plans and for more complex participation in shaping programme policy.

5) For minority groups living in Yugosiavia. 6) Retrospecitve series compiled from the fflm archives.