RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Suggestions аге being rna.de for increasing number of specialized discussions to cover topics not treated so far, as well as proposals for discussions on radio and television programmes to be held a number of times in the course of the уеат - so that the implementation of the programme plan can be reviewed more often. As confirmation of the view that there аге favourable prospects for the further development of the whole system the following must also be noted. RTB’s receptivity to this form of verification of its work is also growing, as is seen from the growing number of suggestions that аге incorporated in the plans. Fulfilling demands registered at earlier public discussions, together with the Draft Programme Plan for 1979 RTB has for the first time pubhshed a report on the implementation of the conclusions of last year’s public discussion. The discussion on the fulfilment of its programme tasks is expected to be crucially improved by the introduction of a new, more developed system of records on programmes broadcast which will make it possible for objective data to be published on аД essential aspects of these programmes prior to each public discussion of RTB programme plan.