RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

ТНЕ LEVEL OF LISTENING TO RADIO in comparison with the number of owners of radio

*The coefficient of the variation is calculated according to the theory of the interpenetrated sample.

The expectation that alrnost every member of the population who has a radio in his household listens to at least 15 minutes of radio broadcasting a day (as the minimum measuring unit of the DB) is unrealistic, to put it mildly, notwithstanding the fact that Radio Belgrade broadcasts over 80 hours of programmes from which everybody can fmd a broadcast capable of catching his attention, but this does not occur, which implies that the number of listeners in this case does not depend on the type or quaiity of the programme but primarily оп the listener’s spare time or perhaps some other factors. We leave it to readers to evaluate whether the fact that every other citizen who has the technical possibility of listening to the radio does so every day is a satisfactory level or not. When it is added that of this number of persons the majority also imssess a TV set and spend a part of their spare time watching television of reading of pursuing some other activity, then in our opinion it is


sets Table 1. Base; owners of radio sets Fourteen-day »eries Daily Earometer No.of persons in household»with radio seU ш/ 000 % Ettimated no. of radio listeners in 000 % 1972/1 {Мау 24-June 6) 1972/11 (December 6-19) 1973/1 (April 11-24) 1973/П (September 26-October 9) 1973/1 (December 12-25) 1974/1 (Мау 8-21) 1974/11 (October 23-November 5) 1975/1 (Мау 7-20) 1975/П (November 12-25) 4595 4919 4738 4344 4639 4726 4717 4773 4601 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2306 2632 2472 1919 2462 2213 2303 2265 2310 51 54 53 44 53 47 49 47 50 AVERAGE OF NINE SERIES: 4672 100 2320 50 Dual coefficient* variations in рег cent ±2,86 ±6,80