RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

* The coefficient of the variation is caJcuJated according to the theory ot the interpenetrated sample. acceptable to assume ±at this relative ratio cannot be changed essentially in favour of radio. THE AGE STRUCTURE OF LISTENERS In contrast with the above survey of data on the general level of Ustening to the radio, based on the number of people who live in households with radio sets, we shall now analyse the level of listenmg without regard to the possession of a set as this шау be done in another place, and not necessarily indoors. We shall survey the average from аД nme series and for each age group separately (seven in all). The data from the nine series of the DB relate to an average of 718,000 young people between 15 and 19 years of age, despite the fact that forecast tor the уеаг 1974 placed their number at 735,000. Of 718,000 young people in Serbia, 370,000 or 515 per cent listen to the radio at least 15 minutes per day. When it is considered that the general level of listening to the radio by the whole population of Serbia, regardless of possession of a set or not fluctuates around the 41 рег cent figure, it may then be stated with certainty that the young are very enthusiastic radio listeners. From figure 1 it may be concluded quite unambiguously that this is the age group which has the most frequent contact with radio on average. We can say that radio is t e medium of the young and that that is its advantage over other means of communication.