RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

attempted to give a revievv of happenings in the individual geographical regions of Vugoslavia on the basis of the satne material he would be overwhelmed with an excess of material. This latter can, conditionally speaking, be considedred as quite normal but the second, uncoditionally speaking, cannot be considered as normal in апу way. The so-called Vugoslav model is in fact the partially adjusted model of the Serbo-Croat language region from which three TV stations аге to a great extent excluded. We have not completed the agreement on the equality of languages and the method of overcoming the »language barrier«. We have not mentioned that the Constitutional concept on the equality of languages is not implemented to the same extent everywhere. This is also significant for the integrating effect of television and we could certainly help one another. The volume of information »from other republics and provinces« is on the increase but it is difficult to surpass the protocoTforum framework. The TV news programmes which we saw at this Festival have convincingly conflrmed this statement. In so-called inter-republican informing the formality is stressed ot counting information »from other republics and provinces« in T\ news programmes, the mechanical linking of the participation of different studios m agricultural and other programmes, the regular transmission of TV news programmes »from other TV stations« m a region which is unsuitable from a language point of vrew etc. Activity directed abroad (the purchase of foreign programmes, the marketing of Vugoslav programmes abroad, the provision of information for Vugoslav workers temporarily employed abroad and emigrants from Vugoslavia, the provision of information for citizens of neighbouring countries, cooperation with the televisions of the non-aligned countries etc.) has only received a more orgamsed form in recent months but is still not based on a longer-term, firmer and concrete agreement amongst TV stations. It is interesting to note the following: in 1974 Vugoslavia sent 50 T\ news items to Eurovision and received 3,527. In 1975 \ ugoslavia once again sent 50 and received 4,155. In both these years we took fifteenth place according to the number of items sent from amongst the 29 countries. According to the number of items received, however, we took first place in 1975 and second place in 19/4. It is good that Vugoslavia is so ореп and that we inform our citizens oi happenings in the world so extensively but it is not good that we offer the world so little news on Vugoslavia. It was only гесепЧу that a study on the openness of Vugoslaj television to foreign influence was elaborated and exammed but there